• What Women Want (Reichstag, Berlin)
  • Rosslyn
  • LOVE HATE Brandenburger Tor

    Art demonstrates Europe

    "The European Union is the lasting response to the catastrophe of the Second World War. I love Europe because it is the foundation for living together in peace, freedom and democracy".
    Michael Mueller, Governing Mayor of Berlin

    LOVE HATE sculpture by Mia Florentine Weiss

    "Europe is love and the greatest peace project of our time. As an artist, woman, human being, activist and mother, I feel Europe as my primordial uterus, whose umbilical cord is used to satisfy my artistic hunger and my cultural identity," says Mia Florentine Weiss. Since May 2019 the art action #LOVEUROPE with the presentation of the LOVE HATE sculpture by Mia Florentine Weiss has been taking place in several German cities, opening up thought spaces in public space at the respective locations. In the context of the European elections in 2019, the LOVE HATE sculpture, by juxtaposing the extremes of human emotions in a mirror-image reading, invites the viewer to actively question his own point of view and to overcome negative currents through love.

    "We must work for the preservation of the European idea, strengthen the exponential function of Europe and turn the omnipresent hatred in the world into love," is the artist's maxim.
    The art action #LOVEUROPE promotes the dialogue between culture, politics, education and society with an educational mission that spans generations and countries. As a monitoring cultural and media event with millions of followers and fans, #LOVEUROPE with the LOVE HATE sculpture is sponsored by the Minister of State for Digitisation, Dorothee Baer, and the Senator for Culture and Europe, Dr. Klaus Lederer. Dorothee Baer supports the project because her Europe is a matter close to her heart: "Europe is our future, our common foundation of values and our peace community".

    The Stiftung Zukunft Berlin is the supporting foundation of the #LOVEUROPE project.
    Foundation Future Berlin
    Klingelhoeferstrasse 7 10785 Berlin
    IBAN: DE35100800000417204801 BIC: DRESDEFFXXX Intended use: LOVEUROPE

    On 18 May 2019* the artist Mia Florentine Weiss created a performative stage at the symbolic site of the Brandenburg Gate with many prominent representatives from various fields - such as Dorothee Baer (Minister of State for Digitisation), Dr. Klaus Lederer (Senator for Culture and Europe), Paul Spies (Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin), Seyran Ateş, Diana Kinnert, EU Supergirl, Dr. Alexander von Knigge, Lea Vajnorsky (Henkel X Wo\men Inc.), Jessy James La Fleur, Patricia Kamp (Museum Frieder Burda), Albrecht Broemme (THW), Dr. Gabriela Sperl (HFF Munich) with Anna Loos, Katrin Stoll (Neumeister Münchener Kunstauktionshaus), Dr. Daniel Dahm, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Maenning (Deutscher Sportbund), Dr. Hannah Neumann, Billy Andrews, Michéle Adamski, Kimberly Marteau Emerson (Human Rights Watch), Taylor and Hayley Emerson, Damian Boeselager (Volt), Katja Sinko, Andreas Tölke, Janka Schubart, Arne Friedrich (footballer, Berliner Bürgerstiftung) as well as representatives* of LSVD, Stiftung Zukunft Berlin (A Soul for Europe), Pulse of Europe, Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Junges Europa, The European Moment, Generationen Stiftung and many more.
    In the presence of the LOVE HATE sculpture, the participants set a sustainable sign for a free and peaceful Europe with the art action #LOVEUROPE. Throughout the day people will be invited to join the dialogue and make their statement for Europe.

  • Love Hate Skulptur for Brandenburger Tor

    Love Hate Skulptur for Brandenburger Tor

  • MdB Dorothee Bär und Patricia Kamp (Museum Frieder Burda)

    MdB Dorothee Bär und Patricia Kamp (Museum Frieder Burda)

  • Diana Kinnert vor der LOVE HATE Skulptur

    Diana Kinnert vor der LOVE HATE Skulptur

  • Paul Spies (Vorstand und Direktor des Stadtmuseums Berlin)

    Paul Spies (Vorstand und Direktor des Stadtmuseums Berlin)

  • LOVE HATE sculpture with messages for europe

    LOVE HATE sculpture with messages for europe

  • Arne Friedrich with Mia Florentine Weiss infront of the LOVE HATE sculpture

    Arne Friedrich with Mia Florentine Weiss infront of the LOVE HATE sculpture

  • Taylor Emerson, Hayley Emerson, Mia Florentine Weiss and Kimberly Marteau Emerson (Human rights watch)

    Taylor Emerson, Hayley Emerson, Mia Florentine Weiss and Kimberly Marteau Emerson (Human rights watch)

  • Dr. Klaus Lederer infront of the LOVE HATE sculpture

    Dr. Klaus Lederer infront of the LOVE HATE sculpture